Wencon specializes in the development of epoxy products for rebuilding and surface protection of metal exposed to corrosion, galvanic corrosion, cavitation, wear or breakage in maritime and offshore applications.
Wencon products provide easy to use solutions for high temperature, underwater and wet conditions. Wencon products and repair systems hold classification society certificates and approvals from all the major societies.
Wencon Repair Kit # 1 Complete kit completo for large and old vessels. Besides covering most aspects of emergency repair, long-lasting maintenance. Wencon Repair Kit # 2 Big repair kit for emergancies and long-lasting maintenance. Suitable for most vessels. Wencon Repair Kit # 3 Medium sized repair kit for emergancies and long-lasting maintenance. Suitable for most vessels.e apoio e barcas. Wencon Repair Kit # 4 Small sized repair kit for emergancies. Suitable for new and smaller vessels, which calls at port often. Suitable for small vessels and ferries. |
Tube repair | Bearing housing | Deck | End caps | Side caps, pump | Tanks |
Shaft | Butterfly valve | Sea water filter | Flange | Hydraulic Cylinder | Flange corrosion |